About Us
We’re a family-owned and operated business that aims to provide laundry services to those who want to spend more time with their friends and family on the soccer field, in the ballet studio, or any fun family event. As a working mom, I know first-hand that life is constantly on the go and finding a few extra minutes in the day can feel impossible. We can help you find time in your days to focus on thing you love…not laundry!
With so many laundromat options out there, here’s why we think you should choose us.
We Care About The Environment:
Sock Monster is working hard to be environmentally friendly, using energy-efficient machines and offering ecofriendly detergent, softener and dryer sheets. Plus, we participate in hanger recycling.
We Care About You:
In these uncertain times, we equipped our laundromat with a professional-grade Ozone Sanitizing System, which kills 99% of germs and viruses in every wash! We are cleanest and freshest wash around.
We Care About Your Garments:
Because our Ozone system allows us to disinfect your garments using a cold-water wash, we increase the longevity of your fabrics, keep colors brighter, reduce damage caused by hot water, and best-of-all, fully disinfect them.
We Care About Your Safety:
Our laundromat is equipped with a monitored security and alarm system.
We Care About Our Local Community:
Sock Monster Laundromart is committed to giving back! Throughout the year, we'll be participating in clothing drives, food drives, school supply drives and fundraisers to support the local community of Pompano Beach.
- LaundryLove: We have had the distinguished honor of being selected to partner with LaundryLove in their mission to provide clean laundry to the homeless and those in need for FREE. Often we think of the necessities of life as being food, water and shelter. But what about clean clothing? For so many folks in South Florida, clean laundry is a luxury they can't afford. Sock Monster Laundromart in Pompano Beach has partnered with Laundry Love as a ministry of St. Mary Magdalene & St. Martin Episcopal Church, Coral Springs, FL. To provide FREE LAUNDRY to the homeless and those in need. Thanks to our friends at JET PIZZA those who participate in the event participants will leave with clean laundry and a full tummy.Local Press:Laundry love at Sock Monster Laundromart takes place the third Wednesday of every month from 4-6Donations of detergent, new socks, clothing, sneakers, personal care items are always accepted.
- https://www.newpelican.com/articles/organization-offers-help-with-an-often-overlooked-need-clean-laundry/
- https://wsvn.com/news/7spotlight/south-florida-care-initiative-on-mission-to-provide-clean-clothing-to-homeless-and-low-income-families/
- https://stmmcs.net/news-updates/grand-opening-of-laundry-love-ministry-a-success/
- Broward Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization: Our team at Sock Monster Laundromart had a unique opportunity to partner with Broward Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization to offer our first ever Life Lessons in Laundry. Participants received free laundry detergent, free dryer sheets, free wash/dry as well as a dedicated Sock Monster team member to teach them every step of the process. Participants also received a custom made activity book that reinforced the learning. Nothing is complete without a Sock Monster treat so, we celebrated with a picnic that included hot dogs, ice pops, arts and crafts and a lot of love.
- High Schools: Sock Monster Laundromart helped sponsor the posters that display the 2022-2023 High School Football Game Schedules available at all high schools and posted inside Sock Monster. We also have been entrusted to launder the teams football uniforms between games.
- ChildNet: In celebration of our Grand Opening, we hosted an event to support the needs of the many children and families under the care of ChildNet. Customers who donated personal care items were entered into raffles to win Flat Screen TVs and Bicycles. Thanks to our customers and team members, we were able to provide many kids with basics necessities and by donated all the proceeds from the day we're able to help support the continued mission of ChildNet.
- Sporting Teams: We had the opportunity to sponsor a Little League team supporting their continued athletic development.
- In Store Support: SockMonster Laundromart has collected and laundered over 1,000lbs of donated items that are then distributed to the local homeless or those in need. Our instore rack is full of children clothing for our customers and their kids to take as needed or donate if they can. We've seen the kids light up as they find new and used clothing that's just the right fit for them! We've provided many residents in and around SockMonster with Fresh Socks, Clothing, Towels, Blankets and Ponchos. As well as Snacks, Drinks and Personal Care items.